Tom Landry is one of the greatest NFL coaches of all-time. On more than one occasion, Coach Landry stated that he has met many good athletes over his career, but very few great ones. He defined the difference between good and great as 18 inches—the distance from the head to the heart.
Something similar could be said about Christians. There are many good Christians with knowledge of the Bible and many of the right behaviors, but there seems to be fewer great Christians who are truly in love with Jesus. The difference between good and great is the same 18 inches.
Our prayer for you is that you would connect those 18 inches between your head and your heart and fall in love with Jesus all over again (or even for the first time). God bless you all.
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Love ‘em, hate ‘em, or simply don’t care… but everyone knows who the Dallas Cowboys are. From 1966 to 1985, under head coach, Tom Landry, the Dallas Cowboys had a winning season every year for 20 consecutive years, an NFL record to this day. During that 20-season stretch, the Dallas Cowboys made the playoffs 18 times; they won 13 division titles, 5 NFC titles, and 2 Super Bowl championships.
Tom Landry was an American icon. He was known for facing “pressure with poise, criticism with grace, rudeness with courtesy, humiliation with dignity, victory with humility, and crisis with faith”.
On more than one occasion, Coach Landry stated that he has met many good athletes over his career, but very few great ones. He defined the difference between good and great as 18 inches—the distance from the head to the heart. He explained that “good athletes have exceptional abilities and thorough understanding of the game, but great athletes also have heart—a passion that drives them to selfless sacrifice, brutally long hours of practice, undivided focus, and ultimately, extraordinary accomplishments.”
I could say something similar. I have seen many good Christians over the years, but very few great ones, and the difference, I believe, is the same 18 inches. There are many good Christians with head knowledge about the Bible and many of the right behaviors. They attend church. They might give and serve. They might pray on a regular basis. But there seems to be fewer great Christians who are truly in love with Jesus, and they treasure Him above anything else in their lives. They follow him daily, even when doing so may sacrifice their time, energy, money, desires, or even their reputation.
Jesus describes great Christians in a short, one-verse parable when he said, “The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in the field, which a man found and then hid again; and in his joy, he sold all that he had, and bought that field.” Great Christians know that following Jesus may involve sacrifice, but anything we lose doesn’t even come close to comparing with what we gain, namely Him.
If you’re a follower of Jesus, my prayer for you is that you would connect those 18 inches between your head and your heart and be a great Christian, that you would love and treasure God above anything else in your life, and that you would find that “grace under pressure” that Coach Landry was famous for, the kind that develops over many years of trusting God.
Thanks for watching. I hope this video is a blessing to you. Jesus said the greatest commandment is to love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. I pray you connect those 18 inches between your head and your heart and fall in love with Jesus all over again (or even for the first time). God bless you all.